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Top journals: AIChE J. (11 papers), Appl. Catal. B-Envion. Energy (IF=20.3)Chem. Eng. Sci. (7 papers), Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (12 papers), Chem. Eng. J. (IF=13.4, 14 papers), Biores. Technol. (IF=9.7, 3 papers)


87. Yunjie Guo, Ayyaz Mahmood, Yongqi Liu, Haosheng Niu, Tongtong Qiu, Jin Liu, Sijie Li, Junguo Li, Ke Liu, Xi Gao*. Improving 1,5-Pentanediol Yield via Selective Hydrogenolysis of Biomass-Derived Furfuryl Alcohol over Non-noble Ni/La₂O₂CO₃ Catalysts.

To be submitted, 2025.

86. 戴健健,吴思创,马子豪,高希*。不同长径比柱形颗粒的流态化特性研究,

To be submitted, 2025.

85. Jiangfeng Shen, Shanshan Gao, Zihao Ma, Jianjian Dai, Sijie Li,Michael Patrascu, Xi Gao*. A Novel Neural Network-inspired Interpretable Kinetics for Multiscale Modelling of Plastic Fast Pyrolysis. 

Under review, 2025.

84. Bing Wang, Jianjian Dai, Jia Yu, Xi Gao*. Coupling Superquadric DEM-CFD with IBM for PR-DNS of non-spherical particle suspension and fluidization.

Under review, 2025.

83. Zihao Ma, Jianjian Dai, Sichuang Wu, Moshe Sheintuch, Xi Gao*. Experimental and numerical assesment of particle shape and mass fraction of plastic in sand assisted binary fluidization

To be submitted, 2025.

82. Haoyun Sun, Zhufu Fu, Zeyu Wu, Zhongfa Hu, Xi Gao, Yuan Xue*. Microwave-Assisted Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethylene for Hydrogen Production: Mechanistic Investigation by ReaxFF MD Simulation and Experiment Validation

Under review, 2025.

81. Xinyue hao, Zhufu Fu, Shanshan Gao, Mo Zheng , Zhongfa Hu, Xi Gao, Yuan Xue*. Understanding the Oxidative Pyrolysis of Plastic by Experiment and ReaxFF MD Simulation.

Under review, 2025.

80.Jianjian Dai, Zihao Ma, Moshe Sheintuch, Xi Gao*. Experimental investigation and coarse-grained SuperDEM-CFD modeling of sand-cylinder binary fluidization.

Under review, 2025.

79.  Sijie Li, Yiting Wu, Ayyaz Mahmood, Jin Liu, Ziqi Xu, Kaiyang Lu, Moshe Sheintuch, Xi Gao*. Tetrahedral Iron in Fe-Al Spinel Oxide Boosting the Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polypropylene and Application of the Used Catalyst in Zn-Air Battery. 

Under review, 2025.

78. Hafiz M. Adeel Sharif, Ayyaz Mahmood, Jintong Huanga,  Xi Gao, Changping Li*.Highly effective Tandem Cu-Ru catalyst for electrochemical reduction of nitrogen oxides (NO) for ammonia production at ambient Conditions.

Under review, 2025.

77. Shanshan Gao, Sijie Li, Haojun Huang, Zizhou Zhao, Yuan Xue, Junguo LiKe Liu,* Xi Gao*. Effects of particle size and shape on biomass pyrolysis products distribution and reaction kinetics.

Applied Thermal Engineering, In revision, 2025.

76. Jin Liu, Sijie Li, Ayyaz Mahmood, Jianjian Dai, Moshe Sheintuch, Xi Gao*. Improving hydrogen production via ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of non-thermal plasma pretreated HDPE with 1Fe1Ni/γ-Al2O3 catalyst.

Applied Catalysis B-Environment and Energy, 2025, 125129.


75. Quan Tang, Qian Li, Haoyu Zhou, Erwei Leng*, Bing Wang, Shanshan Gao, Sijie LiXi Gao*, Yongjun Xia, Yuanwang Deng, Jiaqiang E. Performance regulation of metallurgical biomass coke based on the fractional utilization of biomass pyrolysis oil.

Energy,  2025, 316, 134631. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2025.134631

74.  Yihao Wen, Haoshen Niu, Boyu Zhu, Jianjian Dai, ZIhao Ma, Jia Yu, Xi Gao*. Measuring fluidization behaviors of non-spherical particles and binary mixtures of spherical-cylindrical particles.

Advanced Powder Technology2025, 36, 1, 104755. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2024.104755


73. Bing Wang, Zihao Ma, Sijie Li, Jianjian Dai, Michael S. Patrascu, Xi Gao*. Experiment investigation and multiscale modeling of biomass oxidative fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor.

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 501,157546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.157546

72. Zhufu Fu, Yunian Chen, Yuan Xue*, Xinyu Liu, Xi Gao, Sijie Li, Zhongfa Hu, Wenlong Wu. The metal-support synergistic effects for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over supported NiGa catalyst: Understanding the role of different active sites.

Chemical Engineering Journal2024, 502, 158000.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.158000

71. Hairui Lin, Yuxi Si, Jianjian Dai, Zhuohan Li, Yan Liu, Lijun Wang*, Xi Gao*, Youwei Cheng*. Development and Validation of Filtered Drag Models for Fluidization of Low-Density Geldart A Particles.

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 496, 153907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.153907

70. Biaosheng Luo, Baiyu Lu, Xi Gao, Cheng Li*. Dynamic in situ measurement of axial segregation of E-CAT particles in a bubbling fluidized bed.

Chemical Engineering Journal2024, 485, 149861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.149861

69. Xinyang Chen, Sijie Li, Yixi Lin, Shanshan Gao, Jin Liu,Yuan Xue, Xi Gao*. Pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading of pine wood sawdust over modified biochar catalyst in a tandem microreactor.

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2024,181, 106607. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2024.106607

68. Shanshan Gao, Sijie Li, Jiangfeng Shen, Jin Liu, Daofan Cao, Junguo Li, Ke Liu, Xi Gao*. Assessment of heating rate and mixing ratio on the synergistic effects of co-pyrolysis of pine sawdust and high-density polyethylene.

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2024, 181, 106615.   

67. Jianjian Dai, Zihao Ma, Moshe Sheintuch, Xi Gao*. SuperDEM-CFD modeling of fluidization of spherical and cylindrical particles binary mixtures and experiment validation.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 36, 15961–15974.

66. Jiangfeng Shen, Jianjian Dai, Hairui Lin, Sijie Li, Shanshan Gao, Youwei Cheng, Michael Patrascu, Xi Gao*. Multiscale modeling of plastic pyrolysis with a neural network-inspired pyrolysis kinetic model and coarse grained DEM-CFD. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 28, 12688–12703.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.4c01882

65. Xi Gao, Wei-Cheng Yan, Xi-Zhong Chen,Zheng-Hong Luo*. Multiscale Modeling and Artificial Intelligence for Multiphase Flow Science. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 22, 9609-9610.

64. Jianjian Dai, Haotian Xu, Yongxiang Gao, Jia Yu,Xi Gao*. Measuring Spherical and Nonspherical Binary Particles: Mixing and Segregation in a Rotating Drum Using Machine Learning-Assisted Image Processing. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 17, 7891–7901.

63. Bing Wang, Jianjian Dai, Sijie Li, Yixi Lin, Michael Patrascu, Xi Gao*. Coupling coarse grained DEM-CFD and intraparticle model for biomass fast pyrolysis simulation and experiment validation. 

AIChE Journal, 2024, 70(5), e18393. DOI: 10.1002/AIC.18393.



62. Yukun Zeng, Yuan Xue, Xun Gong, Xi Gao, Jiaqiang E, Jingwei Chen, Erwei Leng*.  Pyrolytic Performance and Kinetics Study of Epoxy Resin in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites: Synergistic Effects of Epoxy Resin and Carbon Fiber.

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023, 176, 106255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2023.106255

61. Haibin Ma, Jia Yu, Jianjian Dai, Cheng Li*, Xi Gao*. MP-PIC modeling of fluidization behaviors of binary sand-plastic mixtures. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62, 40, 16456–16468. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.3c02412

60. Sijie Li, Yuan Xue, Yixi Lin, Bing Wang, Xi Gao*. Synergistic Activity of Fe2O3/Al2O3 Catalyst for Hydrogen Production through Pyrolysis-Catalytic Decomposition of plastic. 

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023,11, 27, 10108–10118. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c02178

59. Xiaodong Cui, Jianjian Dai, Haotian Xu, Xi Gao*.  SuperDEM Simulation and Experiment Validation of Nonspherical Particles Flows in a Rotating Drum.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023,62, 16, 6525–6535. 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00919


58. Bangxing Jian, Xi Gao*.  Investigation of Spherical and Non-spherical Binary Particles Flow Characteristics in a Discharge Hopper.

Advanced Powder Technology, 2023, 34, 104011.  DOI: S0921-8831(23)00074-2



57. Ziqing Lao, Yuanchuan Shao, Xi Gao*. Multiscale CFD modeling of high-temperature biomass pyrolysis with intraparticle particle model and detailed pyrolysis kinetics. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 45, 16843–16856.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.2c02992


56. Jiangfeng Shen, Mengguo Yan, Minghong Fang, Xi Gao*. Machine learning-based modeling approaches for estimating pyrolysis products of varied biomass and operating conditions. 

Bioresource Technology Reports, 2022, 20, 101285.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2022.101285


55. Xiaomeng Xu, Cheng Li, Xi Gao*.  Coarse-Grained DEM-CFD Simulation of Fluidization Behavior of Irregular Shape Sand Particles. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 25, 9099–910.


54. Oluwafemi A. Oyedeji*, M. Brennan Pecha*, Charles E.A. Finney, Chad A. Peterson, Ryan G. Smith, Zachary G. Mills, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Peter N. Ciesielski, Robert C. Brown, James E. Parks II. CFD–DEM Modeling of Autothermal Pyrolysis of Corn Stover with a Coupled Particle- and Reactor-Scale Framework.

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 136920.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.136920

53. Cheng Li*, Xi Gao*, Steven L. Rowan, Bryan Hughes, William A. Rogers. Measuring Binary Fluidization of Non-spherical and Spherical Particles Using Machine Learning Aided Image Processing. 

AIChE Journal, 2022,e17693. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.17693


52. Liqiang Lu*, Xi Gao, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers, 

Development of a Filtered CFD-DEM Drag Model with Multiscale Markers Using an Artificial Neural Network and Nonlinear  Regression. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03644

ACS Editors’ Choice Virtual Collection from I&EC Research 



51. Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Yupeng Xu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William Rogers, 

Coarse-Grained CFD-DEM Simulation and the Design of an Industrial-Scale Coal Gasifier. 

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03386

50. Liqiang Lu, M. Brennan Pecha, Gavin M. Wiggins, Yupeng Xu, Xi Gao, Bryan Hughes , Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Daniel Carpenter, James E. Parks, 

Multiscale CFD Simulation of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis with a Machine Learning Derived Intra-Particle Model and Detailed Pyrolysis Kinetics,

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022,133853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.133853

49.  Brennan M. Pecha, Nicholas Thornburg, Chad Peterson, Meagan Crowley, Xi Gao, Liqiang Lu, Gavin Wiggins, Robert Brown, Peter Ciesielski,

Impacts of anisotropic porosity on heat transfer and off-gassing during biomass pyrolysis,

Energy & Fuels, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02679

48. Liqiang Lu*, Xi Gao*, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers,

MFiX Based Multi-Scale CFD Simulations of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis: a review,

Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248, 117131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2021.117131



47.  Liqiang Lu , Cheng Li,  Steven Rowan, Bryan Hughes, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers,

Experiment and CFD Investigation of Biochar Elutriation in Fluidized Bed,

AIChE Journal, 2021. e17506.  https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.17506

46. Peter N. Ciesielski, M. Brennan Pecha, Nicholas E. Thornburg, Meagan F. Crowley, Xi Gao, Oluwafemi Oyedeji, Hariswaran Sitaraman, and Nicholas Brunhart-Lupo,

Bridging Scales in Bioenergy and Catalysis: A Review of Mesoscale Modeling Applications, Methods, and Future Directions,

Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 18, 14382–14400. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02163


45.Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers,

Machine Learning Accelerated Discrete Element Modeling of Granular Flows,

Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 245: 116832.


44. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers,

Simulations of biomass pyrolysis using glued-sphere CFD-DEM with 3-D intra-particle models

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 419: 129564. 

43. Xi Gao*, Liqiang Lu, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers, Kristin Smith, Katherine Gaston, David Robichaud, M Brennan Pecha, Meagan Crowley and Peter N Ciesielski, 

Assessment of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme in multiscale simulations of a single-particle pyrolyzer and a pilot-scale entrained flow pyrolyzer, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021: 129347. (Editor's choice)     https://twitter.com/Chem_Eng_J/status/1455983618946256897

Solid Fules Thermochemical Conversions.jpg

42. Xi Gao*, Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu and William A Rogers, 

Coupling particle scale model and SuperDEM‐CFD for multiscale simulation of biomass pyrolysis in a packed bed pyrolyzer, 

AIChE Journal, 2021: e17139.


41. Xi Gao*, Jia Yu, Ricardo JF Portal, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers,

 Development and validation of SuperDEM for non-spherical particulate systems using a superquadric particle method, 

Particuology, 2021: doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2020.1011.1007.

40. Jia Yu, Xi Gao*, Liqiang Lu, Yupeng Xu, Cheng Li, Tingwen Li and William A Rogers, 

Validation of a filtered drag model for solid residence time distribution (RTD) prediction in a pilot-scale FCC riser, 

Powder technology, 2021,  378: 339-347.


39. Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Yupeng Xu, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers, 

Coupling reduced‐order modeling and coarse‐grained CFD‐DEM to accelerate coal gasifier simulation and optimization, 

AIChE Journal, 2021,  67(1): e17030.


38. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers, 

Open source implementation of glued sphere discrete element method and nonspherical biomass fast pyrolysis simulation, 

AIChE Journal, 2021: e17211.


37. Cheng Li, Rupendranath Panday, Xi Gao, Jiarong Hong and William A Rogers, 

Measuring particle dynamics in a fluidized bed using digital in-line holography, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021,  405: 126824.



36. Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, William A Rogers, Kristin Smith, Katherine Gaston, Gavin Wiggins and James E Parks II, 

Validation and application of a multiphase CFD model for hydrodynamics, temperature field and RTD simulation in a pilot-scale biomass pyrolysis vapor phase upgrading reactor, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,  388: 124279.

35. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Aytekin Gel, Gavin M Wiggins, Meagan Crowley, Brennan Pecha, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A Rogers, James Parks and Peter N Ciesielski, 

Investigating biomass composition and size effects on fast pyrolysis using global sensitivity analysis and CFD simulations, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020: 127789.


34. Xi Gao, Jia Yu, Cheng Li, Rupen Panday, Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Huda Ashfaq, Bryan Hughes and William A Rogers, 

Comprehensive experimental investigation on biomass‐glass beads binary fluidization: A data set for CFD model validation, 

AIChE Journal, 2020,  66(2): e16843.


33. Xi Gao, Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Cheng Li and William A Rogers, 

Development and validation of SuperDEM-CFD coupled model for simulating non-spherical particles hydrodynamics in fluidized beds, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020: 127654.

32. Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Sina Tebianian, John R Grace, Jamal Chaouki, Thomas W Leadbeater, Rouzbeh Jafari and David J Parker, 

Development and confirmation of a simple procedure to measure solids distribution in fluidized beds using tracer particles, 

Chemical Engineering Science, 2020,  217: 115501.

31. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers, 

Bridging particle and reactor scales in the simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis by coupling particle resolved simulation and coarse grained CFD-DEM, 

Chemical Engineering Science, 2020,  216: 115471.


30. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers, 

Coarse grained computational fluid dynamic simulation of sands and biomass fluidization with a hybrid drag,

 AIChE Journal, 2020,  66(4): e16867.


29. Liqiang Lu, Jia Yu, Xi Gao, Yupeng Xu, Mehrdad Shahnam and William A Rogers, 

Experimental and numerical investigation of sands and Geldart A biomass co‐fluidization, 

AIChE Journal, 2020,  66(6): e16969.



28. Yupeng Xu, Xi Gao and Tingwen Li, 

Numerical study of the bi-disperse particles segregation inside a spherical tumbler with Discrete Element Method (DEM), 

Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019.

27. Joseph D Smith, Anand Alembath, Haider Al-Rubaye, Jia Yu, Xi Gao and Hassan Golpour, 

Validation and application of a kinetic model for downdraft biomass gasification simulation, 

Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2019,  42(12): 2505-2519.

26. Yongxiang Gao, Xi Gao, Du Hong, Youwei Cheng, Lijun Wang and Xi Li, 

Experimental investigation on multiscale hydrodynamics in a novel gas–Liquid–Solid three phase jet‐Loop reactor, 

AIChE Journal, 2019,  65(5): e16537.



25. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

Multiphysics simulation of algal growth in an airlift photobioreactor: effects of fluid mixing and shear stress, 

Bioresource technology, 2018,  251: 75-83.

24. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

Simulation of algal photobioreactors: recent developments and challenges, 

Biotechnology letters, 2018,  40(9): 1311-1327.

23. Xi Gao, Tingwen Li and William A Rogers, 

Assessment of mesoscale solid stress in coarse‐grid TFM simulation of Geldart A particles in all fluidization regimes, 

AIChE Journal, 2018,  64(10): 3565-3581.

22. Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, Avik Sarkar, Liqiang Lu and William A Rogers, 

Development and validation of an enhanced filtered drag model for simulating gas-solid fluidization of Geldart A particles in all flow regimes, 

Chemical Engineering Science, 2018,  184: 33-51.



21. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

Comprehensive computational model for combining fluid hydrodynamics, light transport and biomass growth in a Taylor vortex algal photobioreactor: Eulerian approach, 

Algal Research, 2017,  24: 1-8.

20. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R.Dennis Vigil, 

Comprehensive computational model for combining fluid hydrodynamics, light transport and biomass growth in a Taylor vortex algal photobioreactor: Eulerian approach, 

Bioresource technology, 2017,  224: 523-530.

19. Paul Rudnicki, Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

A comparative study of photosynthetic unit models for algal growth rate and fluorescence prediction under light/dark cycles, 

Algal Research, 2017,  24: 227-236.

18. Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Tingwen Li and Sofiane Benyahia, 

Numerical investigation of the ability of salt tracers to represent the residence time distribution of fluidized catalytic cracking particles, 

Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2017,  56(46): 13642-13653.



17. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

CFD simulation of bubbly turbulent Tayor–Couette flow, 

Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2016,  24(6): 719-727.



16. Cheng WU, YX GAO, Xi GAO, You-wei CHENG, Li-jun WANG and Xi LI, 

Particle velocity measurements in transition section of turbulent fluidized beds using optical fiber probe and CFD simulation, 

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 2015,  29(1): 11-18.


15. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

CFD investigation of bubble effects on Taylor–Couette flow patterns in the weakly turbulent vortex regime, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015,  270: 508-518.


14. Xi Gao, Bo Kong and R Dennis Vigil, 

Characteristic time scales of mixing, mass transfer and biomass growth in a Taylor vortex algal photobioreactor, 

Bioresource technology, 2015,  198: 283-291.

13. Xi Gao, Bo Kong, Mahdi Ramezani, Michael G Olsen and R Dennis Vigil, 

An adaptive model for gas–liquid mass transfer in a Taylor vortex reactor, 

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015,  91: 433-445.

12. Mahdi Ramezani, Bo Kong, Xi Gao, Michael G Olsen and R Dennis Vigil, 

Experimental measurement of oxygen mass transfer and bubble size distribution in an air–water multiphase Taylor–Couette vortex bioreactor, 

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015,  279: 286-296.

11. Yongxiang Gao, Xi Gao, Cheng Wu, Youwei Cheng, Lijun Wang and Xi Li, 

Novel phase inversion model for gas–solid turbulent fluidized beds, 

Powder technology, 2015,  283: 344-354.



10. Lezhong Zhang, Xi Gao and Zhenghong Luo, 

Computational fluid dynamics modeling for the second flow phenomenon of the liquid-solid flow in a polypropylene loop reactor, 

Petrochemical Technology & Application, 2014,  32: 199-203.



9. Wu Cheng, Gao Xi, Cheng Youwei and Li Xi, 

Calibration and Correction of Particle Velocity Signals in Optical Fiber Measurement, 

Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, 2013: 02.

8. Xi Gao, Li-Jun Wang, Cheng Wu, You-Wei Cheng and Xi Li, 

Novel bubble–emulsion hydrodynamic model for gas–solid bubbling fluidized beds, 

Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2013,  52(31): 10835-10844.

7. Cheng WU, Xi GAO, Youwei CHENG, Lijun WANG and Xi LI, 

Experimental and numerical study of solids concentration distribution in transition section of turbulent fluidized bed, 

CIESC Journal, 2013,  64(3): 858-866.



6.Ya-Qing Zhuang, Xi Gao, Ya-ping Zhu and Zheng-hong Luo, 

CFD modeling of methanol to olefins process in a fixed-bed reactor, 

Powder technology, 2012,  221: 419-430.


5. Xi Gao, Li-Jun Wang, Cheng Wu, You-Wei Cheng and Xi Li, 

Steady-state simulation of core-annulus flow in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) riser, 

Chemical Engineering Science, 2012,  78: 98-110.


4. Xi Gao, Cheng Wu, You-wei Cheng, Li-jun Wang and Xi Li, 

Experimental and numerical investigation of solid behavior in a gas–solid turbulent fluidized bed, 

Powder technology, 2012, 228: 1-13.



3. Xi-Zhong Chen, De-Pan Shi, Xi Gao and Zheng-Hong Luo, 

A fundamental CFD study of the gas–solid flow field in fluidized bed polymerization reactors, 

Powder technology, 2011, 205(1-3): 276-288.

2. Xi Gao, Ya-Ping Zhu and Zheng-hong Luo, 

CFD modeling of gas flow in porous medium and catalytic coupling reaction from carbon monoxide to diethyl oxalate in fixed-bed reactors, 

Chemical Engineering Science, 2011,  66(23): 6028-6038.


1. Xi Gao, De-Pan Shi, Xi-Zhong Chen and Zheng-Hong Luo, 

Three-dimensional CFD model of the temperature field for a pilot-plant tubular loop polymerization reactor,

 Powder technology, 2010,  203(3): 574-590.

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