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1. The research group actively contribute to the development of the open-source CFD suite MFiX. 

Please visit the software website for more details. https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/mfix/


(1) SuperDEM solver development, open-source MFIX-22.4 release, see release note here and media news here.

[1] Gao, X.; Yu, J.; Portal, R. J. F.; Dietiker, J. F.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. "Development and validation of SuperDEM for non-spherical particulate systems using a superquadric particle method," Particuology Vol. 61, 2022, pp. 74-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2020.11.007

[2] Gao, Xi; Yu, Jia; Lu, Liqiang; Li, Cheng; Rogers, William A. "Development and validation of SuperDEM-CFD coupled model for simulating non-spherical particles hydrodynamics in fluidized beds," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 420, 2021, p. 127654. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2020.127654

[3] Gao, X.; Yu, J.; Lu, L. Q.; Rogers, W. A. "Coupling particle scale model and SuperDEM-CFD for multiscale simulation of biomass pyrolysis in a packed bed pyrolyzer," Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 4, 2021, p. 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.17139

MFiX SuperDEM simulation of MM candies discharging in a hopper 

MFiX SuperDEM simulation of cylinders in a rotating drum

MFiX SuperDEM simulation of cylinders fluidization 

MFiX SuperDEM simulation of cylinders and cubics binary mixtures

(2) Filtered multiphase model development, MFIX-21.1 release, see here.

(3)Coarse Grain DEM development, MFIX-20.4 release, see here.


2. OpenFoam, Fluent, Comsol etc, developments and applications.

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